If you're looking for the perfect list of items for your wedding day detail photos but are unsure of what all to include, AMW's got you covered! Detailed photos are an amazing way to memorialize the important little details of your wedding all in one photo. The creativity behind the photo is the photographer's job, what to bring is your job! Therefore, AMW has the perfect guide of what to bring!
Ring Box and Rings
Of course, your wedding rings will be included on your wedding day but including them in your detailed photos is super special. It is a great way to show how beautiful each ring is. Having a ring box is always something to make sure to include in your packing list to beautifully display your wedding rings.
Fresh Invitation Suite
Invitations are not only for the guest, they are something you have crafted and designed to display your dream day on paper. That is why it is key to include a fresh invitation suite in your detailed photos to remember forever.
Finding the perfect wedding day heels is one of the many accessories that go into putting together your wedding day outfit. Therefore making sure they find a way to be featured in your detailed photos is super important!
Your scent on your special day is something that will be important for years to come. It is always a nice touch to add to your detailed photos to remember after your big day.
Don't Forget the Groom
Making sure to include the groom's little details is also a must. Items to include in the detailed photos for the groom are his bowtie, cufflinks, and wedding band. To add flowers to the shot include his boutonniere for a nice touch.
Other Items to Include
To add to your detailed photos we recommend adding ribbons, a gold tray, vintage stamps, and blooms. All of these items make for beautiful detailed photos of your wedding day. As an AMW bride, we have these items in our decor collection we would love to include in your details for your wedding day!